
Showing posts from March, 2018

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Nari latha Plants story

Narilatha The stories regarding narilata (about lady-shaped flowers) coming from our ancestors, which may be a myth, are supporting these claims. It is said that when yogis or sages were doing meditation, narilata flowers were shattering their attention. However, it is not true, why anything attracts attention. It is totally a figment of the imagination. This plant can attract the attention of the people as gained popularity on the internet, but it does not mean it disturbs you in meditation. If the plant really exists in the reality, nature is full of wonders. Many things are yet being discovered and narilata may be one of them. However, without strong evidence, we will consider it as a fake information spreading on the internet.

काजू का पेड़, काजू की खेती पेड़, cashew nut plant
